The artist Frank Lampard presents a history of ignored, overlooked and ‘invisible’ objects. The presentation will be accompanied by some interpretive dance by Trevor Brooking and a short polemical intervention by ex-professional footballer Franko B.
As part of his current residency at the Foreign Office, Frank Lampard reflects on the increasingly pervasive influence of conspiracy theories within leftist political discourse. Lampard will be joined by Psychologists Dr. Paul Gascoigne and Professor Didier Drogba to explore the difference between useful dissent and pathological delusion. This important talk will be presented in a tent that stinks in a place that no-one wants to visit, somewhere near the Olympic site.
Free Food.
Artist, Frank Lampard presents his archive of unopened ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ memorabilia to an audience of guests who lack an imagination. This idiotic collection charts the evolution of the saying from 1939 to the present day. The archive includes a huge selection of inane derivations on the theme including a pashmina that says ‘Keep Calm and Wrap Me Up’, a hat that says ‘Keep Calm and Put Me On’ and a T-shirt that says ‘Ceep Kalm and Ues Spellcheek’. At no point will any of the items be considered relevant, ironic, clever, funny or appealing and all attendees will be barred from anything good that happens in the future.
Turner Prize nominee Frank Lampard will present a collection of quasi-fictional plans for a new Garden City in the heart of the Lake District called Gluten. This Minitopia (Lampard et al. 1998) is beautifully illustrated in pencil (with shading and perspective), found (and yet imagined) objects, and animated by a cast of repellant (and yet likeable) characters who plan (and distribute) recommended behaviors to the population. Lampard will be interviewed by one of his imaginary characters for the presentation and there will be audience participation. The talk will take place at Chatham Art Centre - ’Home of the 2012 Turner Prize’.
Ray Wilkins and his wife Su Pollard invite a number of previously successful people to visit their pub, The Shaded Whelk, to chat about what they’re up to now. The pub is situated in the middle of nowhere on a dilapidated peninsula on the north east coast of England. Cut off twice a day by the tide, the pub’s guests will be stranded and forced to engage with Wilkins and Pollard, and the Whelks regulars including the stoic Michael Barrymore, the cantankerous Leslie Grantham and the lethargic Timmy Mallet. Pot wash and glass collection will be provided by Peter Simon.
Forthcoming Highlights include:
– Sarah Greene and Mike Smith talk helicopters and about life after ‘almost death’
– Ian Wright chats about his experiences on an Art Foundation course and shows the pub his portfolio
– Andy Crane talks about how he’s combined his love of Basketball and God
– Artist Alison Jackson presents a sponsorship pitch for her new photography project ‘Pam Ferris Wheel’
A small number of tickets are available for the first of these ‘in discussion’ series from the Shaded Whelk website and refreshments will be available from the Whelk’s extensive menu.*
Washed-Up is curated by Frank Lampard and runs throughout the Olympic and Paralympic games.
*Overnight accommodation will be required due to tidal fluctuations.
In Pay You Pay Me, Frank Lampard & friends present an evening of performance and cabaret that responds to the theme of ‘nepotism’.
Contributions welcomed to our chosen charity ‘The False Memory Archive’
All speakers will be unpaid and all profits will be kept by Lamps.
Frank Lampard is an artist and writer. From 2002-2003 he was Arts Editor of Sleazenation Magazine and since 2007 heʼs been a regular contributor to Art Review. Since 2002, he has worked under the quasi-fictional pseudonym The WITH Collective (WITH) to create of a range of concepts that are for sale at These darkly comic concepts or ‘Solutions’ are the primary manifestation of the work; the theme that links all of the ideas together is that a commissioner can have an experience either invented or lived out on their behalf by a member of the collective.
Lamps received a Wellcome Trust grant award in 2011 and is currently artist-in-resident at the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit at Goldsmiths College, researching the phenomenon of ‘False memory’. He has created the False Memory Archive and is developing a new body of work to be exhibited in 2013/14 throughout the UK.
The WITH Collective have exhibited internationally, creating projects and commissions for a variety of galleries including Tate Britain, The Hayward Gallery, The V&A, The ICA, Chapter, K3 Zurich and the British Council, New Delhi.
*Image: ‘Self Portrait’ courtesy Alasdair Hopwood (Frank Lampard)